- 4 Grandstand Coupons
(coupon good for all grandstand events) - 4×10 Hanging Banner in the Grandstand for all events *
- Full Page Ad in the sponsorship program
- Advertising on Social Media and Website
- Name Recognition during fair and at grandstand events
- 1 Seasonal Parking Pass (valid for duration of fair)
- Business name/logo on the Fillmore County Fair website

- 2 Grandstand Coupons
(coupon good for all grandstand events) - 4×6 Hanging Banner in the Grandstand for all events *
- Half Page Ad in the sponsorship program
- Advertising on Social Media and Website
- Name Recognition during fair and at grandstand events
- Business name/logo on the Fillmore County Fair website

- 1 Grandstand Coupon
(coupon good for all grandstand events) - 2 1/2 x 6 Hanging Banner in the Grandstand for all Events *
- Quarter Page Ad in the sponsorship program
- Advertising on Social Media and Website
- Name Recognition during fair and at grandstand events
- Business name/logo on the Fillmore County Fair website

- 2 x 3 Hanging Banner
- Logo in sponsorship book
- Advertising on website and social media
- Announced recognition during the fair and at grandstand events
- Business name/logo on the Fillmore County Fair website
Become a sponsor by using the following online form, or print and send it in with one of the forms above.
*NOTE* Hanging Banners will only be available to sponsors who sign up by June 1st.
If you would like to be a sponsor or have any questions, you may contact any of the following or submit the form.
Sheila Craig
Deb Haugstad
Justin Johnson
Doug Lind
Theresa Doerr